The ground is level at the foot of the cross....recovering addict rescued by the saving grace of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Monday, July 25, 2005

First Blog Entry from Mary

Hi everyone! This is Mary and I've entered the Blogging world!!!! I only have a few fans right now (or just one, right Laura!) but soon I will have many many many. That's all for now, once I get a little more Blog smart I'll write more.


Bhodi Li said...

Hi Mary!!!! It's about time you finally posted. Who was the handsome man that helped set you up?

Budget Bride To Be said...

hahahahaha! after checking your blog for the 20th time today, what a nice surprise to see a post from mary!!!!

Jas and Jennifer Thornton said...

Mary, can I be a fan, too????
Jennifer Thornton

Mary said...
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